These are international fundraising films I made for NGO’s all over the world, on behalf of Metterdaad, the company that I work for.
(Reminder: if available, for translation turn on the CC-button in the menu of the movie player and select your language)
Homeless in Kyrgyzstan
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Winter falls over Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan. Homeless people like Zamir are left to their own devices by the government and try to survive in the open air without protection. Zamir has already survived more than thirty cold winters, under a heating tube, near the train station where he was left as a boy of fourteen. Since then, he has kept himself alive with what the street offers him.
Death is a taboo in Kyrgyzstan
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
In a remote village between the beautiful mountains of Kyrgyzstan is a very special hospice. Because death is a taboo in Kyrgyzstan, you won’t find death counseling anywhere else than here. And certainly not for those who are poor, disabled or homeless.
Lost in Grozny
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
With the first snow, the cold winter drapes itself over Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzsia. Those who cannot find shelter for the night run the risk of freezing to death, like Ilya. Ilya is a Russian war veteran. The war in Chechnya destroyed his life. PTSS has caused the relationship with his wife and daughter to break down.
In the footsteps of father
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
After 25 years it is time for father Navaradj to hand over his work as an evangelist to his son Jiwan. Together they make their last journey through the Himalayan mountains in search of Christians. For the father the end, for the son the beginning of a journey through the kingdom of God.
The praying nurse
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Every day Sita visits the patients of the Leprosy Hospital of Pokhara and prays with them. She personally knows what it is like to have leprosy. While doctors and nurses treat the bodies of their patients, Sita touches the heart with her soft words and dulled hands.
Life in the slums of Manilla with Riojin
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Three portraits of children in the slums of Manilla. Riojin is seven years old and takes care of her four year old sister. She does not know where here mother is, nor when she comes back.
Life in the slums of Manilla with Norlin
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Three portraits of children in the slums of Manilla. Norlin is eleven years old. Her father and mother dream of leaving the slums with support from the government, but Norlin does not want to leave her friends behind.
Life in the slums of Manilla with Dariel
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Three portraits of children in the slums of Manilla. Dariel is thirteen years old and makes some money with collecting plastic. Because his father was killed by police, he only has his older brother to keep an eye on him.
Ukranian Rehab Part 1
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Outside the village of Olesk is a lonely farm. This is where the road ends for the twelve men who are trying to kick their addiction here. In this wolfpack there is one leader, the rest must listen.
Ukranian Rehab Part 2
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Outside the village of Olesk is a lonely farm. This is where the road ends for the twelve men who are trying to kick their addiction here. In this wolfpack there is one leader, the rest must listen.
Ukranian Rehab Part 3
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Outside the village of Olesk is a lonely farm. This is where the road ends for the twelve men who are trying to kick their addiction here. In this wolfpack there is one leader, the rest must listen.
Karanga Prison
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Six inmates share their stories of regret and hope in Tanzania’s infamous Karanga Prison.
The Spirit in Kamchatka
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
At Pentecost we commemorate the outpouring of God’s Spirit on all the people of the world. But are there areas where the Gospel has not yet penetrated? For this episode, I traveled to Kamchatka, an icy peninsula above Japan, home to the indigenous Koryak tribe.
The People of the Rock
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
On the Philippine island of Pelawan missionary Barbie Calo visits a nearly forgotten tribe living on top of a mountain, a day’s walk through the jungle. Herself being born into a tribe Barbie firmly believes she needs to bring civilization and the gospel there.
The Witches of the Zambesi Delta
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
Black missionary Shephen Mbewe travels deep into the swamps of the Zambesi Delta to fight witchcraft.
Bikes for Bangladesh
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
In this film, 25 business people travel to Dubai and Bangladesh. This is part 1 of a three part series. The trip is an initiative of Wereldfoundation.
Jesusfilm in the Himalaya
(Broadcasted Dutch Television, Director/Camera/Edit: Jan Willem den Bok)
High up in the mountains of Nepal nobody knows of Jesus Christ. But the time has come for these three pastors to change that.